EYE YOGA ; Vision without tension
by MartineY2M | Feb 17, 2021 | Yoga Workshop
Temps de lecture : | Reading time : 2 minutes
Our eyes are crying out for help. It is a fact ; the long hours spent behind our screens are bad news for our eye health. The constant strain imposed on our eyes is an increasing concern in the medical world, and is greatly impacting our general well-being.
If you are suffering from eye tingling, a burning sensation in the eyes, tension headaches, visual fatigue, or dry eyes, it is time to give your eyes a rest and some TLC. You owe it to your overall health.
The eyes are in correlation with various body organs, but also, with our brain. Poor eye health can be a telling sign of various medical concerns. Medical studies are currently investigating links between increasing poor eye health and diseases such as Alhzeimers, the latter is an emerging public health issue.
It is said that the eyes are the mirror to the soul. They witness and translate our emotions, and feelings. Taking care of your eyesight is taking care of yourself.
If looking after our eyes is important to our general health, they are both equally as important. Lifestyle regimen, diets can preserve or impend quality of our vision. Let’s not panic…there is no need yet to eat carrots all day long!
Based on various trainings and studies, this workshop is specifically devised to try and address an increasing health issue yet remains practical for anyone interested in incoporating some changes be it at home or in the workplace.
The workshop firstly looks at the causes of a poor vision and their consequencies on our vision and general health. Different methods are offered to alleviate visual and associated strains.
Then, it looks at how the diet and simple excercises may promote and sustain good eye health. Finally, it investigates how we can adapt our environment and adopt new habits to improve visual quality.
This workshop is perfect for those working, studying, playing long hours behind screens.
This workshop does not aim to make medical diagnostic, and should not dispense you from seeking medical advice.